posted by Anonymous (not verified)
on Thu, 03/20/2014 - 15:11
The international final conference of the project "Physical Violence and State Legitimacy in Late Socialism", which took part from 27 February - 1 March 2014, was opened by the key note speech "´Was ist eigentlich Gewaltforschung?´ Einige systematische Bemerkungen" given by Jan Philipp Reemtsma.
Jan Philipp Reemtsma stated in his talk that some years ago "Gewaltforschung" (studies on violence) was just a desideratum, but as this conference and the book series "Studien zur Gewaltgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts“ (Hamburger Edition) show, it now exists. During his speech Jan Philipp Reemtsma searched for answers to the following questions: why have studies on violence been a desideratum? What can "Gewaltforschung" achieve? Which kind of misunderstandings need to be avoided.
To hear the answers on these questions click here.